
Mar 16, 2024 Recently I took part in the Kraken Hunter Workshop It was great fun with many learnings on how to secure workloads in the cloud, containers, K8s clusters and VMs. And in the End we were Kraken Hunters :).
Nov 25, 2023 If you are searching for a fun challenge try Its a little CTF from for learning about eks security. I did it with two collegues and it was great fun.
Oct 13, 2023 I’m excited to share an IETF draft my collegue and I wrote on simplifying OAuth 2.0 for container orchestration. This draft shows how Service Account Token Volume Projection in k8s makes client authentciation easier and more secure for developers. If your interested please join in the discussion and mail us.
Jul 15, 2023 I’ve achieved GIAC Mobile Device Security Analyst (GMOB) certification! It’s been an incredible journey of learning and growth in the field of cybersecurity. 🤜 🤛
Oct 13, 2022 Just came back from the collabs info day in Novi Sad - Serbia. Finally, I could meed the people we are collabrating with in person. Looking forward to the next one 😉
Sep 2, 2022 I’m happy to share that I’ve earned my CIPP/E certification from the IAPP. It’s a step forward in my journey to promote privacy and data security.🤜 🤛
Aug 27, 2022 Just came back from Helsinki :wink:. Had an awesome time presenting my paper which you can access here. Looking forward to working and meeting all the people at the conference again.
Jun 28, 2022 Just came back from france. Beautiful country, nice people and great food :heart:. You can look at my blog for some beautiful landscapes.
Jun 9, 2022 Came back from Brussels :smile:. Had a great time meeting Cyberscurity experts from around the EU during the ConvergenceNext event. Looking forward to working with them in the future. I also wrote a quick blog about the conference.